Spinner Math

Welcome to Spinner Math!  This is a series of learning activities designed to help you create spinner rotations using mathematics.  Almost all of the resources you need are on this page.  The only thing you’ll need to provide is your own spinner and drinking straw.

To start, print out one of the handouts below.  If you’re new to Spinner Math, you probably want to start with the Linear one.  Once you have the handout, watch the launch video.  Then follow the directions on the handout.  At some point, the handout will ask you to use a Spinner Simulator, a Spinner Simulation Task, or a Spinner Rotation Video.  Those can all be found on this page.


If you’re a teacher, cick below to get a page with more information about how to facilitate Spinner Math with your class:

Spinner Math Teacher Page

Also, read my blog post about the learning framework that was used to design this experience here:

The Manifest Framework

Launch Video

Spinner Simulator

<iframe scrolling="no" title="Spinner Rotation vs Time - Math to Sim" src="https://www.geogebra.org/material/iframe/id/ft6g3nQe/width/1101/height/650/smb/false/stb/false/stbh/false/ai/false/asb/false/sri/false/rc/false/ld/false/sdz/false/ctl/false" width="1101px" height="650px" style="border:0px;"> </iframe>

Spinner Simulation Tasks

There are certain prompts within the classroom handout that ask learners to perform Spinner Simulation Tasks.  Click on one of the links below to get a description of the task and see it in action.





Spinner Rotation Videos

There are certain prompts within the classroom handout that ask learners to watch and react to Spinner Rotation Videos.  Each video shows two different spinner rotations.



