Spinner Simulation Tasks – Integral

Each puzzle below has two spinners: a dark, solid one and a light, dotted one.  They are currently rotating according to different functions.  You can control the motion of the dark spinner by changing the function in the function box.  Your goal is to make the dark spinner follow the same function as the light, dotted one.  You’ll know you’ve got it when dark spinner lays right on top of the light spinner.   The time and spinner rotations are displayed below the spinners.  The speed of the both spinners is displayed above the spinners.


<iframe scrolling="no" title="Spinner Rotation vs Time - Sim to Math - Integral 1" src="https://www.geogebra.org/material/iframe/id/G8AMNmxd/width/1031/height/623/smb/false/stb/false/stbh/false/ai/false/asb/false/sri/false/rc/false/ld/false/sdz/false/ctl/false" width="1031px" height="623px" style="border:0px;"> </iframe>


<iframe scrolling="no" title="Spinner Rotation vs Time - Sim to Math - Integral 2" src="https://www.geogebra.org/material/iframe/id/ytyyt7FG/width/979/height/623/smb/false/stb/false/stbh/false/ai/false/asb/false/sri/false/rc/false/ld/false/sdz/false/ctl/false" width="979px" height="623px" style="border:0px;"> </iframe>


<iframe scrolling="no" title="Spinner Rotation vs Time - Sim to Math - Integral 3" src="https://www.geogebra.org/material/iframe/id/xBfzhtGs/width/979/height/623/smb/false/stb/false/stbh/false/ai/false/asb/false/sri/false/rc/false/ld/false/sdz/false/ctl/false" width="979px" height="623px" style="border:0px;"> </iframe>


<iframe scrolling="no" title="Spinner Rotation vs Time - Sim to Math - Integral 4" src="https://www.geogebra.org/material/iframe/id/FckZc4uG/width/979/height/623/smb/false/stb/false/stbh/false/ai/false/asb/false/sri/false/rc/false/ld/false/sdz/false/ctl/false" width="979px" height="623px" style="border:0px;"> </iframe>